Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Redefining Elite

I recently read a blog on the new elite by my friend and mentor, Seth Godin. I found it thought provoking for a couple reasons.

1. First he completely redefines what it means to be elite. He defines elite as "those people who are actively engaged in new ideas, actively seeking out change, actively engaging. Those who seek out new people and new opportunities and relish the discomfort that comes from being challenged to grow (and challenging others to do the same.)"

I always thought of the elite as those with "old money" or a lineage of privilege who are maintaining the status quo, holding onto their history and legacy. I saw those striving to be "elite" as people who are trying to be like someone else, not to be something different. One example of this phenomenon would be all those knock off bags they sell in NY, for the aspiring elites. Naomi Klein discusses this concept in her book "No Logo". A little outdated but a good read.

2. Seth makes an argument at the beginning of his blog that many in the developing world do not have the opportunity to be "elite" in the same way that those in more developed societies do. But if you think about his new definition, I would say I have to disagree with this point of view. According to Seth's definition, elitism is becoming democratized. Which yes I admit is a bit of an oxymoron.

As knowledge becomes more democratized, the poor are getting the opportunity to not only participate but create and spur innovation. MPESA, TEDx, Hot Sun Foundation, are just a few interesting ways innovation is happening from the bottom up. Read the recent economist on innovation in emerging markets to hear some more.

So I would ask: Who are the new elite? And will elitism be flipped upside down?


  1. We're in violent agreement, Blair.

    My point is that old elitism is unattainable to many in the developing world, but this new elitism is not.

    And that's why it's so exciting.

  2. We then, here's to violent agreement and the excitement of new things to come!!

  3. Here's to the new elite!

    This reminds me of an article that my dad sent me yesterday by Peter Buffett (Warren's son) about the pitfalls of being old elite - specifically centered around entitlement and lack of character.

    The old elite cannot remain elite for long if they don't embrace the ways of the new elite.

  4. Great topic and post. I would agree that this new elitism is more attainable than the old version but that the ability to 'choose' to be open to new challenges is still a privilege that many do not have - a lot of folks may not be working 14 hours a day in a sweatshop but may be contending with 14 hours a day of working two jobs, commuting excessive distances to and from work, etc.

    Old elites will not be flipped updside down in the near future but new elites are making a dent. If the challenge that Seth Godin's post poses is to 'build organizations and platforms that engage and coordinate the elites' we as a part of the new elites need to ensure that we make this as democratic as possible - ensuring that we understand how our backgrounds and perspectives color who we can connect to and how.
